Tuesday 22 September 2015

Painting on the journey

There is so much to process each day... Words are just not enough. 
Here are my paintings from the last night and from today:

Sunday 20 September 2015

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Just feeling ill

Some days, lots of days recently, I just feel too ill and cannot write or paint. It looks like I suffer from really strong reaction to Lactose in my medications and can't wait enough till seeing GP tomorrow for advice. I have lactose and gluten intolerance and been on lacto free and gluten free diet for 4 years now. I guess that's why my body is just on a big strike right now, getting in lots of Lactose in my medication.

But I will fight hard and try to pick up myself and will try to paint something later today.

Monday 14 September 2015

Today's inspiration - learning to be patient with myself and Addison's

Today I realized how much I need to learn to be more patient with myself, with me and managing my new medical condition Addison's Disease. I received very wise advice from lovely people from Addison's self help online support group, who were very concerned, hearing how I feel, and were all advising me to be more patient and take time I need to recover. I feel very encouraged. I will try to paint something about this my patience learning and add it on here later.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Painting today

A Sense of Place 1


Refined hope

Journey continues

New journey

New beginning and learning to live with Addisons

In August, while on holiday abroad, I received diagnosis of Addison's Disease. 
I have been ill for very long time, gradually getting more and more ill since September 2015.
My illness probably began sometime early in 2014, but since September I began to suffer with nausea, extreme fatique and morning vomitting. I did not realize I was also loosing weight. But as I have already hypothyroidism, Hashimoto Disease, since my teenage years, I thought my problems are due to Hashimoto. I questioned my GPs about that several times, asking them to refer me to endocrinology for check up, as last time I saw endocrinologist only in 2010. However, each GP looked at my thyroid levels and said levels were not too bad, so there was no reason to refer me to endocrinologist. My problems began escalate since January 2015. In May GP found I was deficient in D vitamin, so that explained my tiredness and dizzyness. My thyroid changes in blood tests apparently explained my huge weight loss. I was treated for my hypothyroidism and for vitamin D deficiency, but I was not improving, I was getting worse. In June I noticed dark purple pigmentation on my gums and lips. However I thought, that was possibly gingivitis, so started treated myself. I will not go into much detail here, but I became even more ill in July. While very ill I travelled to visit my Mum abroad. And only there, where I was so very ill,that my Mum, retired GP feared for me life, I went to small local hospital and Internal Medicine doctor after thorough examination and blood test diagnosed in me Addison's Disease on 4th August and began treatment with Hydrocortisone. I am thankful to that doctor and to my Mum for saving my life. 30 people a year in the UK only die from Addisonian crisis... I would love to help raise awareness of this illness. Now, back in the UK, I receive excellent care from my GPs and received also confirmation of my diagnosis from UK endocrinology and began treatment with Fludrocortison. So that's a brief story of my illness. It is a big life change for me. Creativity and art is an important way for me to express myself. So, especially during the time like this, I would like to explore my thoughts and feelings about new diagnosis through my art.