Monday 12 October 2020

Life with Spoons and creativity

Reflecting on my "life with spoons"  

During the recent online meeting for staff with disabilities, 

we talked about "spoon theory" and life with spoons. 

I usually express myself better and more fully through my visual creativity and through art. 

I’ve created this digital painting about what "spoon management" means for my life - juggling being a full time carer, working part time for the NHS, thinking about further studies, being a full time Mum, a housewife, being an artist with many dreams, being a person with a number of very complex chronic health conditions and just being neurodiverse me. 

Yes, life seems to be very full, but also positive and hopeful. After many years of not seeing a clear direction for my personal development in terms of career / study progression, a door seems to be slowly, very slowly, opening... step by step... I have tried to paint how all of this links with my "spoonie life". 

Art is a journey, a journey of new openings.

This painting is about life juggling with spoons, a life of many colours, 

a life of joy, pain, hopes and dreams


Friday 9 October 2020

New paintings


Journeying through the life and many colours of life 

My Viewpoints painting

 I created painting for Viewpoints exhibiton:


Viewpoints - journey towards connection

As I painted this artwork, the journey took me through times of connections and disconnections, discovering and rediscovering the views of those around me, together with feelings and thoughts deep within me - a journey growing into new openings and new viewpoints.