Thursday 30 September 2021

Learning to fly

 Learning to fly

on the journey towards the freedom

growing the Tree of Life

deep within

with hope

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Breaking through

Breaking through

With persistence  

In hope


Some New openings


The journey continues



And Beyond

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Fragility and Hope

 I had been living, working, juggling spoons of my disabilities and caring responsibilities, job and life insecurities, working on zero hours contract, renting house, dreaming about buying house where I can plant my trees, I celebrated my 51st birthday while embracing many unknowns... 

Being creative, painting always helps me to process the intensity of life. 

Here is a painting I created late last night, reflecting on fragility, vulnerability as well as reflecting on hope, resilience and meaning of being here and now, being truly myself and embracing, accepting myself for who I am....   

I came to the UK 25 years ago with many hopes and dreams, to live and work in LArche, leaving behind succesful and stable work role as Child Psychologist....  

25 years later, I am here and now, facing many challenges, but living in hope and trusting that in some creative ways I live the values deeply embedded in my heart, values that brought me here years ago.....